Can I Wash Sheets and Towels Together?

Cleaning Tips - by Maidwonder - January 3, 2024

can i wash sheets and towels together

Laundry can be a big job, and sometimes you might wonder if you can make it easier by washing different things together. One question people often ask is, “Can I wash sheets and towels together?” The answer is yes, but there are a few things to remember to make sure both things come out clean and in good shape.

You can definitely wash sheets and towels together and get good results if you follow some tips. Just put the sheets and towels that are made of similar fabrics and have similar colors in the same load, and you can wash them together.

This blog will help you learn the tricks to do laundry correctly and keep your sheets and towels fresh, clean, and looking nice.

Let’s get started without further adieu.

Why You Might Want to Wash Sheets and Towels Together

Why You Might Want to Wash Sheets and Towels Together

There are a couple of reasons behind towels and sheets washed together. 

  • First, it can save you time and effort. If you have only a few towels or sheets to wash, it’s not efficient to do a whole separate laundry load just for them. 
  • Second, washing sheets and towels together can help keep your washing machine steady. It stops the machine from shaking or moving around while it works.

Potential Issues with Washing Sheets and Towels Together

Washing towels and sheets together is possible, but there are some things to be aware of:

  • Towels are Heavier: Towels are thicker and heavier than sheets. When you wash them together, the towels’ weight can make it harder to clean everything properly.
  • Different Fabrics: Towels have rough fibers, while sheets are gentler. When they rub against each other in the wash, the rough towel fibers can grab onto the sheets. This can create little fabric balls on the sheets, making them look worn.
  • Using More Detergent: Sometimes, when you wash sheets and towels together, you might need to use more detergent than usual to get them clean. However, using too much detergent can cause issues like detergent buildup. This can make your washing machine less efficient and leave soap residues on your clothes.

So, while washing towels with sheets in one load is okay, you should be careful about these problems to keep your laundry in good condition.

Can I Wash Sheets and Towels Together?

So, should I wash towels separately? The good news is that most of the time, it’s perfectly fine washing sheets with towels without any problems. Here’s why:

  • Similar Fabric and Color: Sheets and towels are usually made from the same materials, like cotton or a mix of cotton. They also often have similar colors, which makes them a good match for washing together.
  • Hot Water and Good Detergent: When you wash your sheets and towels, you usually use cold to warm water and a good-quality detergent. This helps get rid of bacteria and germs effectively.
  • Frequent Washing: You tend to wash your sheets and towels more often than your other clothes, so they’re less likely to get very dirty or dusty.

How to Wash Sheets and Towels Together

How to Wash Sheets and Towels Together

If you want to wash sheets and towels together, you can do it carefully by following these steps:

Sort Them Out

Before you wash your sheets and towels, it’s a good idea to sort them out. First, group them by the type of fabric they’re made from. Keep similar fabrics together and avoid mixing natural and synthetic fibers in the same wash.

Then, sort them by color. Don’t try to wash, for example, black towels with white sheets or red sheets with white towels. Keep similar colors together when doing your laundry.

Consider the Weight of the Fabric

When you’re doing laundry, consider the weight of the fabric. Thicker cotton towels can go in the same load as cotton sheets, but avoid washing heavy towels with delicate fabrics like silk sheets. The rubbing in the washer can harm lightweight fabrics.

If you decide to wash heavy and lightweight fabrics together, it’s a good idea to sort them out before using the dryer. Bed sheets will dry faster than heavy towels. Dry the sheets first, take them out, and then put the towels in with some wool dryer balls to keep the towel fibers soft and fluffy.

Use a Gentle Cycle and Cold to Warm Water 

When you start washing, choose a gentle wash cycle, like the normal or permanent press cycle on your washing machine, and use cold to warm water. This is to be gentle on the delicate sheets so they don’t get damaged.

Pick a Mild Detergent

To make sure your sheets and towels are really clean, it’s important to use a good mild detergent with enzymes. These enzymes are like tiny helpers in the detergent. They break down the dirt on your sheets and towels so it can be washed away.

If your sheets or towels still smell bad even after washing and storing them for a couple of weeks, it means they’re not really clean. In that case, you should switch to a better detergent to get rid of the smell.

Don’t Overload the Machine

Make sure not to put too many sheets and towels in the washing machine at once. Leave enough space for them to move around during the wash. This way, they can get properly cleaned.

Check Care Labels

It’s important to check the labels on your sheets and towels. These labels tell you what the sheets and towels are made of. They also give you advice on the best water and drying temperatures to use. Plus, you can find out how to safely use bleach if needed.

Avoid Fabric Softeners

While fabric softeners can make your clothes feel nice and soft, they can make your towels less absorbent over time. So, it’s a good idea to skip using them when you wash towels.

Dry Thoroughly

Make sure your sheets and towels are completely dry. If they stay damp, they might develop a musty smell. To prevent this, use a medium to high heat setting when drying for the best results. Plus, adjust the iron settings based on the fabric type.

But Should You Always Wash Sheets and Towels Together?

Should You Always Wash Sheets and Towels Together

However, there are times when it’s better to wash sheets and towels separately:

  • Stains: If your sheets or towels have tough stains on them, it’s better to wash them by themselves. This way, you can focus on getting rid of the stains without any distractions.
  • New Items: When you have new colorful towels, it’s a good idea to wash them on their own for the first few washes. This helps prevent the colors from bleeding onto your sheets and making them look stained.
  • Allergies: If someone in your home has allergies, it’s a good plan to wash their sheets separately. This can help reduce exposure to allergens and keep things more comfortable.

How Often Should You Wash Sheets and Towels?

How often you wash your sheets and towels can depend on your choices and how you live. Here’s some simple advice:

So, how often do I need to wash my sheets? We spend a lot of time in bed, about one-third of our lives, either sleeping or trying to sleep. This means our bed sheets can get dirty quite easily. To keep them clean, it’s a good idea to wash them at least every two weeks. If you don’t wear pajamas to bed, sweat a lot, or don’t bathe before sleeping, you might need to wash them more often.

Alternatively, how often do I need to wash my towels? As for bath towels, if you hang them to dry after the usage, you can use them three times before washing them. But if you leave them crumpled on the floor, you should wash them after every use. Hand towels should be washed every other day, and washcloths should be washed after each use to keep things hygienic.

Another off-topic: cleaning services for seniors offer a practical way to help our elderly loved ones with a common challenge: keeping their homes clean, shiny, and, most importantly, safe. To learn more, continue reading our blog.

Alternatives to Washing Sheets and Towels Together

Alternatives to Washing Sheets and Towels Together

If you’re worried about problems that might come from washing sheets and towels together, here are some other options to think about:

  • Wash Separately: One option is to wash your sheets and towels in separate loads. This is the best way to make sure they both stay clean and don’t get damaged.
  • Use a Laundry Bag: You can get a laundry bag to put your sheets in. This bag helps protect the sheets from the rough towel fibers.
  • Wash More Often: Another choice is to wash your sheets and towels more often. This way, they won’t get very dirty, and you won’t have to wash them together.
  • Three Sets Rule: To make your sheets and towels last longer, think about having three sets for each bed or person. You can use a rotation system, which means you have one set that you’re using, one set kept in the closet, and one set in the laundry.

This rotation helps the fibers in the sheets and towels recover between uses, and that makes them last longer.

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Call in the Professionals to Lighten the Load

You can take care of washing towels and bedsheets, and for the other cleaning tasks, you can get help from Maid Wonder. We’ve skilled housekeepers who are trained and have the right tools to help you with many cleaning tasks. We can make a cleaning plan just for you, according to what you need and when you’re available. Whether you need cleaning just once or regularly, we can assist you. If you want to know more about our House Cleaning Services in Marietta, GA, reach us via text, email, or phone today.

Wrapping Up

So, as per the concern, “Can I wash sheets and towels together?” the right answer is the choice of whether to wash sheets and towels together is up to you. There are good and not-so-good points for both ways. If you worry about problems, it’s safer to wash them separately. But if you want to save time and effort, washing them together following the mentioned tips can work well.


Can you wash sheets with clothes?

Washing sheets with clothes is possible, but it’s not a great idea because the sheets can get damaged. Sheets are fragile, and the buttons and zippers on clothes can harm them. It’s better to wash sheets on their own. If you have to wash them together, use a gentle cycle, and don’t stuff too much in the washing machine to keep the sheets safe.

Can I use dryer sheets with towels?

You can use dryer sheets with towels to make them softer and prevent static electricity.

Can I wash towels with clothes (regular?)

You can wash towels with regular clothes, but it’s better to wash them separately because towels usually release more lint. Lint can make other items in the load look fuzzy or worn.